Wednesday 16 November 2011

Oh that really annoys me....

I got really annoyed this morning - by the neverending queues of people parking in the parent and child bays in Tesco....not a child in sight!  And then I saw a person parking in the disabled one!  On confronting one woman (I just politely pointed out that it was a parent and child space), she basically gave me the evils and told me to 'f-off'. Mmmh. Saw her shopping later, still with no children.  What is the point of Tesco's having disabled and other bays if anyone can park in them and nothing is done.

Rant rant.

Then I got annoyed listening to someone on the radio talking about youth unemployment.  Yes, the figures are high and it's a challenge.  But they were interviewing someone who basically said 'I didn't go to university to work in a call centre'.  Oh it made me think about the situation when I and all my friends left university in the 90s and there were no jobs.  We worked in call centres, data entry centres, anything really to earn some money!  I just felt that the person they interviewed basically didn't want to do it because it seemed to me that they thought it was below them. Mmmh.

Maybe it's the weather making me grumpy!

Or the lack of baking - something I think I will have to address!

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