Tuesday 13 December 2011

Toddlers do the funniest things

Isobel has been making me laugh. I have blogged before about her interest in eating raw eggs and flour when baking. This morning she was clomping round the house in my pink heels which she found rummaging through the cupboard. Practically killed herself falling over the carpet but jumped up non the worse for wear and delcared she was going to work! When I pointed out that they were my shoes, she said 'no mummy, my pink shoes'.

Where does the pink thing come from?we have tried not to have lots of pink but a variety of colours and yet the pink obsession has started! So we asked her what colour we should paint the hall, what colour curtains to have in the front room, what colour wrapping paper to use etc...and the answer - why pink of course. What else?

So I was pleased to hear that hamleys have removed their pink and blue signs for girls and boys toys respectively. Apparently they had one floor for girls toys, which consisted of cleaning stuff, beauty stuff and general 'girls' things like that and the boys floor which was full of dinosaurs, adventure and no doubt war relayed stuff. Poor Arthur. He is missing out clearly, in his hand me down pink sleeping bag!

I found a few links to this issue about Hamleys and gender stereotyped marketing - for those who are interested - clearly Isobel loves the colour pink but she also likes sticks and trains and helping daddy build and climb ladders....(not yet seen a pink toy drill for sale - thank goodness!!!!):

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