Thursday 2 February 2012

Who pays for independence?

So, I wrote this - then pressed some button and it all went away! No idea what I did there.  Maybe there is too much whiskey in this ice cream!

Anyway, I was asking a few questions about the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence.  I've been pondering it (I need to get out more) since hearing them going on about it on the radio. I have a couple of questions - anyone have the answers?

  • Who pays for the referendum which apparently will cost the electoral commission £10m?
  • There are several UK government offices in Scotland (eg. Inland Revenue I think in Glasgow) - what happens to them if they vote for independence?  Can the rest of the UK have a tax office in a foreign country? What happens to all the jobs? What happens to the buildings?
Mmmmh.  Clearly I have been spending too much time thinking about hypothetical issues rather than the tasks at eating ice cream or not pressing the wrong button and therefore deleting all my text!

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