Monday 5 September 2011

Happy pills - reflections on post natal depression

First trip to London with both kids in tow - was much easier than I thought it would be. Isobel kept asking 'where we going mummy?' with a slight welsh accent which was a tad strange.....but she loved the train - maybe it was my attempt at talking about Ivor the Engine which got her welsh accent going?

Anyway, had some time last night to reflect on the past few months - I was diagnosed with PND about 2 months ago when the insomnia I had after Isobel was born returned with a vengeance. I feel that PND is still something which isn't really talked about - it's only now that I've been quite open about it that others have come out and said they had it too. I found the lack of people to talk to about it made me feel that I was going mad so it's a great relief to talk to others and I suppose one reason why I'm writing this as I hope that others might gain from my sharing of how it's impacted on me. The doctor eventually prescribed some happy pills (Peter says he wants some as he can't believe the difference!) after a really bad week whe. I just cried randomly for no reason in the cafe down the road (and was looked after by two lovely women) and then had a wobble in the car going home. I never thought it would happen to me. I thought insomnia was just a normal part of being a mum but my health visitor (who is great, unlike the one where we used to live who said I was starving Isobel cos I couldn't express much milk!) did the PND test and said I had it. The pills and just talking about it have really helped. That and the advice to garden or do things to give that sense of accomplishment (like bake.....and maybe some exercise to burn off the calories!)! I can't believe how awful I felt just 2 months ago and am thinking about how things like garde ing, sewing etc might help more people with depression. Some good PND resources can be found below:


Anyway, on a lighter note, had coffee with my friend at Canteen on the southbank and a yummy chocolate and beetroot cake (which is odd as I hate beetroot, but this was very yummy - all sorts of recipes I've now found - here is one found on a blog) which led to the first major toddler tantrum of the day as she wanted to basically eat every cake in the place and was most put out when I said no! Arty ate his baby rice with typical gusto and exciment (that stuff reminds me of wallpaper paste - bring on the organe mush of carrot, squash, sweet tatty and so on.....clothes will remain white no longer) and we had a lovely walk back to London Bridge. I thought Isobel might sleep in her pushchair - but no, it was obviously all too exciting and after I pointed out the cows on the roof at Borough Market, everyone on the train was treated to old McDonald sung by Isobel and on a loop for the journey home!

Meeting my friend from the Messy Cake Company on Thursday. Looking forward to it - wonder if I cam change te weaning process to involve a red velvet cupcake or something? Weaning, Great fun.

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