Sunday 11 September 2011

Cold tea and beautiful cake

It's been a very busy week. I have lost count of the cups of tea and coffee I've half drunk and then been called away by a little voice wanting 'mummy help'....only to find cold tea waiting for me. One of the nicest things about having a bit of time to yourself on the rare occasion that it happens is that you can actually drink a hot cup!

I met my friend from the Messy Cake Company on Thursday at Clavering which happens to be in Essex - clearly I didn't bother to look at the map before leaving and just headed off following the signs and wondering what county I was in....mmh, should have laid more attention in geography.  Anyway, it appears that the pub we met at - The Cricketers - is owned by Jamie Oliver's parents. The give-away was in the number of Jamie related books and mags you could buy.

Had a beautiful pistachio and olive cake for pudding - was really really yummy.

Anyway, Arthur was being good as gold until the pudding came out - reckon he wanted a taste and was not happy that I wouldn't give him any! Clavering itself was quite pretty too - didn't realise there was so much thatching going on in Essex! Here is a picture of the cricket pavillion:

More manic mornings on Friday and Saturday trying to get both kids fed, watered, bags packed etc., in time to participate in some activities which included a visit to Ashford to see a friend, the designer outlet place and Wye Nature Reserve.  Clarkes have a great electronic foot measurement machine which Isobel was desparate to go on but she's still too small apparently! Tantrum followed. Being without Peter makes me wonder how single parents do it! But at least I don't have to cook in the evening - no man in the house means I can eat cheese on toast without a voice saying 'where's the meat?'.

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