Wednesday 7 September 2011

And today it's mainly potato....

So, the weaning continues.  Despite the never ending poo (maybe he's allergic to baby rice?) which makes me think I should have got shares in Persil and Biotex, we have branched out today and shovelled in some potato - seemed to go down well and at least it's not orange!  Thinking of shares, Peter has some in Eddie Stobart and has managed to get Isobel to shout 'Eddie Stobart' whenever she sees a lorry! Quite entertaining really - and better than when we try 'I spy' with colours rather than letters and she says 'No mummy, not red, yellow'.

Have now recovered from the trip to London.  Peter sent me an interesting article from the high quality Metro about depression in career women - same thing lots of people have said - lots of depression in women who have had careers and then had babies, just the shock of the change. 

I found myself thinking of the time before kids when a friend and I went to Uzbekistan on holiday (as you do, known for its good human rights record.....oh and somewhere I read that it was rumoured that opposition politicians were boiled alive...?!).  We arrived the day that the government put down a demonstration in the east of the country by shooting a number of people so everyone cancelled flights etc thinking the whole place was about to collapse.  We had a great time - it was only when we got home we got all the messages on our phones asking to know we were safe!  I wonder if Uzbekistan would be classified as a family friendly holiday destination......mmmh, maybe I should look for that family tent on ebay instead.

Went to Hobbycraft yesterday (and bumped into Mrs Wonky Pocket) to find some supplies and try to avoid buying yet more kids crayons and chalk!  Hobbycraft had been a victim of the recent looting - someone drove a 4W drive through the front door....then clearly decided they weren't into baking or crochet so just drove off! 

Having got both kids to bed last night at a reasonable hour (and having watched far too much Peppa Pig than can surely be healthy), I sat down for some high quality 'Great British Bake Off'.  Even though I could never weigh things out to make all the biscuits the same size (let along worry too much about the 'crumb'), I find it quite inspirational as it's all those people baking all these great things which makes me want to challenge myself a bit more.  I wonder who I could give all the baked products too if I start doing more? Isobel would love to eat them no doubt, but it's probably not the best start in terms of tackling childhood obesity!

Whilst watching them make macaroons (I'm going to try them - apparently they sell for about £3.50 for one macaroon!), I also had a go at making a purse.  Having spent ages trying to work out how to get the lining to go inside the bag when there is a zip involved, I decided it was too much and resorted to the lovely google instead!  I found a useful tutorial on this site  Quite pleased with the finished item (Amy Butler fabric):

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