Friday 4 May 2012

Why don't people vote?

I'm just saddened by the low turnout - just about a third of people who could vote did vote. I just think its shocking. The thought of countries like Syria where people are dying in their efforts to bring about more democracy and then of course the women and the suffragettes. Makes me really sad. I hope I can bring our children up to value their right to vote and to use it, no matter how fed up they might be with the state of politics and politicians.

Thinking of children, another very challenging day with the little lady. I partly wished I was still at work rather than being hit and having her push her brother head first out of the front door! I don't understand why she is so nasty to him. With her teddy bears she is all gentle and kind and plays softly softly with them.  As soon as her little brother comes along she just wants to whack him one! I know I can't do anything but it makes me so sad.  I try to be even handed but it is so difficult when she is being so mean to him and he just wants to play. I know shes little and doesn't really know what she is doing but it breaks my heart.

She had a big fall from the top of the slide the other day - oh my god I almost had a heart attack. I caught her and broke the fall but that didn't stop me taking her to A&E as her mouth didn't stop bleeding! And my how she has enjoyed it - 'my mouth I dont want it....I don't like mouth hurts' despite being offered ice cream as per doctors orders! Then she merrily went off to nursery, said goodbye and sat down to eat a big bowl of weetabix without a word! Ha ha. Caught out. Mind you her mouth does look sore. Poor little thing.

We made some lovely cakes for her birthday party which was therapeutic. I love baking. I find it helps me focus and you get to eat it too! Have made a big batch of cinnamon rolls this evening which are in the fridge waiting till tomorrow for some bank holiday breakfast treats! Can't wait. Might have a sugar high baby girl as a result - but I'm out all day so will leave daddy in charge! I asked isobel what colour hair I should have.....answer? this space.

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