Friday 1 June 2012

What no bunting?

So, a week in Norfolk. The longest I've been away from kids for, well, since Isobel was born. Three nights! I went running, saw lots of rabbits and failed to get to bed at 7!!

I was intrigued by the use of slam door trains on the way to Norfolk....I thought they had got rid of them all but no! The east of England has kept them and kept the vomit making virgin pendulum trains (or whatever they are called) at bay!

Had a lovely day with les enfants today. Isobel had her first ever haircut. It made me shed a tear or two. She looked so lovely with a pink towel wrapped round her shoulders and she was so good we had to go and have a treat, some yummy carrot cake.

In the car this evening on the monster road trip up north, past the cars covered in bunting (yes, really!), Isobel refused resolutely to sleep. Chat chat chat for hours. As Peter had his sarnies and pie, Isobel kept chirping 'what?what?' to daddy's description of what he was eating.

It's not what its pardon.....

Mummy, can I have a piece of pardon?

We almost choked on our pie! She is asleep now. We are off to see family and hopefully more bunting for her Maj as Isobel loves it.

Oh, and we made a cake. Inspired by waitrose. Best not to ask how we keep the polka dots on!!!

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