Thursday 21 June 2012


And so it is!  I finally found the photo I took of Peppa and George on the Spa Valley Railway last weekend.  It did make me smile - the sheer excitement in the queue waiting to see them and then the panic when they got up close!  Anyway, I thought they looked good in this photo so I would share it!

It's been a funny old week really.  I have had more sleep after Sunday - though on Sunday and Monday my Insomnia returned.  I tried really hard to think of all the tips I'd gone through with the counsellor to deal with my reaction and remain calm and guess what - it worked! So I slept OK - not as well as usual but OK.  I have found that this herbal tea by Dr Stuart helps in terms of calming down (the valerian one is great but I worried a little that I might be so sound asleep that I wouldn't hear the little ones!).

I was at home earlier in the week, I'm lucky really as my work is pretty good at supporting flexible working which makes being 'home alone' a lot easier.  I could just drop the kids off at nursery and then come home and carry on.  It is a bit of a challenge though when Peter is away as not going into the office means you're even more isolated that you might otherwise be.   I'd read that some of the roads were closed in London near the office (the Olympics apparently.....) so I thought I'd walk this morning rather than get on my bike as surely then I could walk across St James' Park (my favourite park in London).  How wrong was I! I asked a 'steward' whether there was any access to the park, very politely as the rubrick wasn't completely clear and was met by a standard surly 'no, go round'.  I hope they improve their customer relations by the time the Olympics start!

Mid week, and despite my plan otherwise, I found myself tempting back to Jamie Oliver.  I was pondering what to cook the kids for lunch that would be relatively healthy and be a bit different so I plumped for the Meatballs recipe (from the Naked Chef of course) together with the tomato sauce.  And to top it off, I had it with some of the pasta I'd made earlier with Peter.  Verdict - really really easy, really really tasty and the kids loved it!  I would strongly recommend!

It doesn't look as good as it was in real life!

Then, we were lucky as in the office today we got to see Ang San Suu Kyi who I think is a remarkable lady and it was really was quite an opportunity to be able to see her.  It lifted my spirits really, as have the kids this evening who have been delightful.  Isobel wanted me to draw a picture of her daddy in a tent (he is in a tent in the refugee area of South Sudan - here is a link to some press coverage of the situation there -  So we did, and then she got a bit upset - I think because I mentioned he might have a beard when he got back and her parting words to me this evening were 'mummy, I want my daddy but I don't want a beard'.....

I thought I would end with a snippet from Peter about his work in Sudan - it's not getting a lot of press coverage so this is my little bit to raise it:

I am going towards the Sudan border today to have a look at refugee camps and reception centres where there is a significant malnutrition problem which we may take action on. In the meantime we are desperately trying to build up our campsite so that it will be habitable before Friday when we have to leave the comparative luxury (pit latrine, bucket shower) of the MSF compound.

There are about 2000 people a day being bussed up from the border, but there are no supplies here to give them so for the moment they are arriving, receiving a bucket and a cooking pot and that's it. No tents, so they are just sat out there under trees with very little to sustain them. There is no where near enough water and sanitation provision so I have to keep my eyes peeled so as not to step in human poo.

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