So it's been a busy week or so. Getting back into the routine of getting kids to nursery and ourselves into and out of work on time has been fun! It's actually worked ok so far.....I write this as I wait for the train in the cold with the sun barely up.....
My team are good. They all have kids at differing stages of life and put value on spending time with them - they are mainly male and have mainly commented on how they feel they missed out on their kids when they were little and wish they hadn't worked as much! So i get in lovely and early, running along the river from London Bridge to get my all important run in....its nice at that time of day as there aren't too many people meandering everso slowly and stopping to take pictures every 3 seconds. The only problem is that having run, I feel the need for a second breakfast once I'm in the office....a bit like a hobbit, or my children who have a second breakfast at nursery apparently which they wolf down.....the nursery must think we starve them!
I went to see the counsellor the other day. We had booked in an appointment for after I had gone back to work to see how things were going. It was a good session. We talked about the change that work had brought, a good change, and the upcoming visit to the doctor to talk about the pills and the PND. I feel like I am in a completely different place to how I felt last summer. I hope I'm not speaking too soon. I will reflect on things which have changed for the better in another blog, a lot if it recently relates to going back to work and how being back has helped equalise the workload at home....
The counsellor thinks I'm in a good place. I do too. So I'm not signed up for more. The door is open if I need to but for now things are going well. The counselling has helped and I would recommend it to anyone struggling after the changes that having babies can bring.
Being back at work has been interesting. The work is good and north managing anyone, unlike when I went back after Isobel, is a breath of fresh air. I have also managed to finish one book and am half way through another - its he first time since Arthur was born that I've read a whole book (if you don't count The gruffalo and the short version of the Jungle Book that is). It has also got me thinking about our impact on the planet, the planet which Isobel and Arthur have been born onto and one in which more than 2.6 billion people don't have access to adequate sanitation....So I have been thinking waste. Not human waste buy landfill waste and resource use.
I think our family are quite good really. The biggest problem is the nappy one. Tried those biodegradable nappies and had to use twice as many as they just didn't hold the poo in....then there was all the washing of sheets from the leaks they left! Anyway, ignoring the nappies for now (I know) I have been pondering how we reduce our use of plastics without spending huge amounts more money. Milk in glass bottles from the milkman would be great but is a lot more expensive. So what to do? Well to start with I am stopping buying coffee in throw away might mean no more frothy milk but it will make me feel better. Then a friend suggested a waste audit to see what exactly we throw away. I think I already know but might do it anyway over the coming weeks.
Onto a lighter note, I went to a sugarcraft exhibition last weekend. The cakes were amazing. All made by people who have an artistic flair that I lack....although I will be trying my hand at some hello kitty cupcakes!