Tuesday 11 October 2011

Peppa pig, daddy pig and pavlovs dog

We have discovered that life is based on Peppa Pig........having picked up a Peppa Pig magazine for Isobel to act as distraction should she kick off (a bit old for her at the moment but she likes the stories and pictures) we found a highly entertaining and realistic story about daddy pig trying to get fit! Now I love Peter dearly but even he laughed at the similarities - daddy pig wanting to get fit by doing press ups, Peppa pig catching him out as he lay on the sofa shouting out numbers rather than doing them.....and so on. Not sure if it's online somewhere but it is quite entertaining.

The other thing I have been pondering is whether Pavlov's dog experiment really applies to everyone......learned behaviour....you will apparently learn to do or not to do things if repeated enough times. So eventually a toddler should learn not to touch hot things if they keep touching them and find it hurts. So, here we are in this cottage which is a Norfolk cottage with low ceilings etc. And Peter is very tall. And the owners have a low hanging light fitting in the loungey bit. And Peter is not good at looking where he is going. So for 10 days now he has banged into it - every day. A good few times a day.Even when walking straight towards it when you would think he would see it given that his eyes are up there. I have to shout 'head' every time he goes near it!

Lovely trousers don't you think!?

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