Now our holiday is over, I thought I would try to capture all the highlights in an A to Z. What isn't in here is the agricultural bits and bobs auction we went to on the way home (to come.....very bizarre) and the wonders of the maclaren buggy. North Norfolk - recommended for all I think, couples, families and everyone.
Here goes:
A is for apples which were of the exciting varieties; and austerity measures which were in full swing with homemade picnic every day and eating it outside whatever the weather even if quite cold and really windy;
B is for beaches of which there are many, including Holkham beach which is apparently voted the no. 1 beach by readers of Coast magazine (led to many a discussion in the car on the virtues of a more interesting beach with cliffs and wild shorelines and memories of the photographer we met in Wales who declared pictures of sunny beaches were sp boring and it was much more interesting to tie yourself to a rock in a storm and snap away....); and Blobs; and Burnham Market; oh and birdlife which is really quite apparent here in Norfolk
Norfolk Blob and some sticky date cake! |
C is for cake of which we have eaten quite a bit of, our favourite being sticky date cake from grooms bakery; and for Cley on Sea which was lovely and home to some smoked fish as well as a long walk out to the beach; and churches - never seen so many in such a small space
D is for dunes which have tested the maclaren; and for dinosaur as there were lots of toy ones in our cottage which isobel had great entertainment with; and Deepdale Cafe which gave arthhur and Isobel their first experience of a full English (ok so arty had weetabix and isobel porridge....with blackpudding and sausage as you do)
E is for the eerie noise with wind made at Brancaster beach;
F is for farmie (aka farm shop) as there are loads, though some of them cheat a bit and have nothing that local to speak of; and for fish which we ate and which was yummy;
G is for Gun Hill which is apparently a very high sand dune though we couldn't find it; and for gifty which we looked in nut didn't find anything to buy....Norfolk living requires you to buy a bit of driftwood for £500 by the looks of things
H is for Holkham which has a lovely long beach and a country park with deer and lions (!) and massive scones; Hunstanton where kites were purchased and the Hoste Arms which was not worth the money.
Holkham beach |
I is for intrepid Isobel who wasn't afraid to run into th sea on her own and wants to climb on the big girls and boys climbing frame; and for 'I don't want that/to' which seemed to be the new phrase for our toddler
J is for Joules shop which sells tweed coats for children at £75 a pop
K is for kite and kite flying (not sure if this was for Isobel or for dad.....)
L is for local beer and topples which we tried, including Nelsons Blood bitter (dark, flat, slightly spicy) and Nelsons blood spiced rum from the Lord Nelson pub which to be honest tasted like a cross between benilym and mouth rinse.
On the left is the famous blood rum! |
M is for the marvellous maclaren; the mad woman who wanted to look after arthur and of course, those Peppa Pig favourites, muddy puddles
N is for narrow gauge railway from wells to Walsingham which was great fun and highly recommended (as are the bacon sarnies which you can get from christine's van at the start); and for nelson, admiral of the high seas, who was born at Burnham Thorpe just round the corner
O is for orange sky which we saw a lot of in the evenings as we had good weather and it really showed the birds up as they flew en masse
P is for pink footed geese which is apparently what we saw flying each night to their roosting grounds; and for pavlovs dog as Arty seemed to demonstrate a real understanding that if you wipe his face after food it means there is no more and queue the crying 'I want more'
Q is for Queen who wasn't in at sandringham; and the q of cars trying to park at holkham beach when we had our heatwave
S is for sandringham and scones (with cream and jam of course); and sea lavender cottage which is where we stayed and would be recommended; and snail as in snails pace which was the average speed of Isobels walking (until we discovered bribery with muddy puddles)
Part of adventure playground at Sandringham |
T is for Titchwell where there were lots of twitchers who didn't look top kindly on our descriptions of dicky birds; and time off thanks to Dawn who looked after the little ones to let us go out one night
U is for umbrella whch wasn't needed until the last few days
V is for VW campervan at sandringham which was called PeppA and HMS Victory of course.
W is for Windmill - there were lots, although much to Isobel's disappointment they weren't pink (Cley windmill is particularly nice); and wind which almost blew Isobel away
X is for eXicted which is how we all were almost every day
Y is for yacht and Yurt which was the name of a restaurant we wanted to try but it was closed
Z is for Zoe zebra from Peppa pig......and nothing to do with Norfolk!