Thursday 2 August 2012

One week until our Olympic visit.

The excitement is building. We are off to see the athletics next Wednesday and we can't wait! Then we're off to the paralympics with the kids. Isobel declared she wants to 'go Olympics' and was even chanting "allez wiggo" yesterday. Very good. I'd be amazed if our kids end up cycling like that, they aren't the smallest. Swimming maybe. I was imagining what it might be like to have a child in an Olympic final after watching that south African win against Phelps and I think I would be rubbish. I would have to hide and not watch!!!

Anyway, its been Olympic excitement in our house this week. My good friend was over from Australia so there was an opportunity to refind a bit of the old me. How? I went for a walk in the country with an OS map and no buggy! It was great. Even had a cream tea.

Then it was off for more torch action, and I must say that we came across a lot of policemen from merseyside! They were having a great time.

We also went to an Olympic party on the friday night which was also a great reminder of the old me, staying out till 230 am and jumping around like a nutter!

Interestingly I've also been back to the doctor about some blood tests I had. Apparently my thyroid is underactive, or at least they think its going that way. Now that would explain quite a bit! I had my thyroid tested last year when I was feeling quitr low but it came back fine apparently. So this time there has been a dramatic shift. I've been told that changes in thyroid function can be related to childbirth. And symptoms of low thyroid include dry skin and hair, sleep problems, moodiness, depression etc. So quote a few things that I have had over the past years. I wonder if the next blood test will confirm it.....

Anyway, bring on the athletics next week. We are excited!

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